
Mary Emma is Born!

What a bundle of JOY! Mary Emma was born at 5:41 PM on Sept 7th, 2009. She was 6lbs 9oz and 20 inches long.

Mom and Baby are going great!  We cannot put her down or stop taking pictures!


John and Robin

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Labor Day Labor

It is Sunday night and we are getting closer and closer to the big day!

The official due date was Saturday, Sept. 5th.  Now we are on high alert!

Robin is doing well and is excited.  John is trying to be helpful and supportive.

We’ve got our bags packed and the house is clean.

I hope we have some good news tomorrow for everyone!


John and Robin

Less than a week to go!

Robin and I have less than one week left to prepare for the arrival of Mary Emma Roberts!

Robin is feeling well and we are both very excited!

The doctors say that we are looking good and are right on schedule.  They also say that most first time pregnancies usually run late so it may be next week before things get going.

We are getting the car seats installed by the local fire department this week.  Safety first!

Robin says she loves all of her family and friends and appreciates the love and support!

We will let everyone know when the fireworks begin!  Stay tuned!

Summer 2009

Okay, so I am not a daily blogger, I’m more like a quarterly blogger, and I’m so sorry to throw so many images your way, but it’s been a great summer, and now it’s coming to a close – and before you know it, we’ll be blogging the latest with Mollie, who is due in about 7 weeks! September 5th will be here before we know it! And we decided on her name this week, her full name will be Mary Emma Roberts, and we’ll call her “Mollie”. My great grandmother was named Mary Emma, and the family called her Miss Mollie – and one of John’s great grandmother’s was named Emma – so we are excited to have a little girl with a family name that we think is really sweet. So, here’s what we’ve been up to since my last blog in April – again – really sorry for the randomness of this slide show!

I think you can “arrow” over the images for a brief description of the picture. Here’s what you’ll see from our summer:

John turning 31 – the funny thing about this picture is that the cake turned out TERRIBLE! I always make delicious pound cakes, well, that all changed for this one – I ended up throwing that cake out and making him brownies the next day! But it sure looked good before we cut it to find it was not done! gross! John got guitar lessons and a guitar for his birthday – and is enjoying those lessons on the weekends from Gorilla Guitar in downtown Columbus.

Parker Family Reunion in The Grove, down highway 41 in Leeds, Alabama – great grilling, catching up with family, notice one picture with several cousins discussing something while holding red cups in their hands – they are discussing who they are going to SOAK with ice water from the coolers at the close of the day, a fun Parker tradition.  What a beautiful place and day it was – love those reunions!

You’ll see a picture of my sister, my best friend from high school and me – a long overdue visit to Canton, GA to see “Marybo” Goltz and her kiddos, it was so good to see her again and catch up on the years that fly by way too fast! She has two children, Caleb and Lily who are getting ready to go back to school now!

And a picture of Katie, Charlie, and Lily Tilt – Lily is 4 months old in this picture – but this was our first visit to Smyrna to visit with these good friends of John’s from Auburn. Lily Grace Tilt was adorable – and it gave us so much to look forward to with Miss Mollie!

We spent Father’s Day in LaGrange at my folks house – and my nephew Maguire gave my dad a “captains hat” for his boat – and we all enjoyed a ride around the lake with Captain Smith!

John’s sister Emily drove from Dayton, OH to Birmingham for a visit, and we were so glad to see them, too – she brought her two kiddos, Madeline and Owen – too cute! John, Madeline and Debbie enjoyed playing with the playdough with Madeline – while I looked through the baby clothes Emily passed down to us, and Owen had a blast with the ball!

And my nephew Maguire graduated from pre-K and turned 6 this summer and had a fun party in Peachtree City with several of his friends – he had it at a place called Jumpin Jelly Beens, and indoor inflatable playground – it was really cool! All the kids had a great time!

And of course, I had to get John mowing the yard of our rental house – those of you who know how HUGE our yard was in Birmingham (NOT!) will see that he’s actually having to use a gas powered mower, and not using the little push mower we had in B’ham! Our rental house is on a corner lot, and has a very big yard compared to what we’re used to – he did a great job getting the grass looking great!

He then tackled the changing table that I bought at a consignment shop, it matches the crib – but was brown, and the crib is white – so John got busy spraypainting it for us, and it turned out just perfect! And last but not least, we tackled the crib together – and only an hour and 15 minutes later it was done! We are still waiting on the mattress to get here, but everything else is ready to go! Just need a little baby girl, now!

So, that’s the latest with us – John is still enjoying his work at Aflac – and I have new teacher orientation this week for the new school system I’m in. I go back to work on August 3rd, and hope to work right up to September 5th – so ya’ll keep your fingers crossed for me so I can get those kids started on their instruments before I am on leave for a few weeks! We need Miss Mollie to stay happy in the womb all the way until September!

Well – that should about do it – I’ll try to do better at this blogging thing – until I do – thanks for your patience, and for sharing in our fun.

Ya’ll take care!

Baby News

Baby Roberts We are excited to share that we are expecting Baby Roberts in early September, the estimated due date is the 5th, which for all you football fans, is a pretty big day, opening day for the season! And, it’s around LABOR day weekend! How cool is that?

This little outfit is the first one we recieved, my mom found it, and thought it was cute, and we agree! It even has little ducks all over it, and booties with ducks, for Baby Roberts to go with Dad to work at AFLAC, the duck company! Just adorable.

We will find out if it’s a boy or a girl, and yes, it’s just one – I’ve seen that for myself already – on April 16th – I will be at 19 1/2 weeks at that point. Very exciting! We’ll keep you all posted!

Air Show

We had a wonderful time at the “Thunder in the Valley” Air Show at the Columbus Regional Airport, not far from our apartment. Mom, Dad, Mary, Maguire and me and John went for the show and had a wonderful time. They opened the show with the National Anthem and an Airborne Division Infantry man parachuting down in front of us with a large flag flying behind him – it was really spectacular. They also had fun and games for kids there, too.

Race Car Game We travelled to Peachtree City to babyit Maguire while my sister and her husband had a night out in Atlanta. We moved the couch in front of the TV, but only because we promised Maguire that we would move it back, and that it would be o.k. with his mom! I think they are playing the Legos Star Wars game on Uncle John’s Xbox that we brought.

Operation! We also played Operation! Remember that game? We just had a really fun game night with Maguire, he was so good and cute as always! We played UNO, too, and Maguire got to see John do his “Draw Four” dance – it was so silly – but it kept tears from coming when a particular someone had to “Draw Four”. We also learned on this night that if you are sitting on the floor, and you have to go #1, if you just sit “criss-cross apple-sauce” you can hold it a little longer so you don’t miss your turn!

AFLAC sent John for training to D.C. in March, and I tagged along and toured the sites while he was in class during the week. The Smithsonian museums were amazing, I didn’t see them all, but I did see the American History, Natural History, and the Air and Space Museum. We took a wonderful night-time tour of the monuments on a trolley, and highly reccomend this to anyone travelling there.

John’s cousin Naomi had twins on January 27th, and this was our first time meeting them. They are now a family of 5, or 6 if you count Baxter the dog! The boys were so adorable, and John and I held them for almost three hours that morning – gotta start practicing! Our arms were sore the next day – time to build up those arm muscles before baby comes!

Gone to the Circus!

Mom and Dad used to take me and Mary Beth to the Omni in Atlanta to see this show – it still brings out the kid in you – what a great trip! The funniest part was when Maguire started yelling to the main clown “Rules are rules, no blowing bubbles Clown!”, while he rooted on the Ring Master who told the clown to stop blowing bubbles, all the other kids were cheering on the Clown! It was too cute – he is serious about his rules. I agree with you Maguire – rules are rules!